Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Итем может быть распечатан в
[РБ] Valakas 85 1 - 3 1/3
[РБ] Antharas 79 1 - 3 1/3
[РБ] Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone 67 1 1/26
[РБ] Gargoyle Lord Tiphon 65 1 1/26
[РБ] Eva's Guardian Millenu 58 1 1/21
Grazing Antelope * 77 1 1/34483
Tomb Preacher * 77 1 1/22727
Ghost of a Gatekeeper 76 1 1/43478
Power Angel Amon * 75 1 1/35714
Nephilim Royal Guard 75 1 1/20833
Seal Archangel * 75 1 1/8621
Black Shadow * 74 1 1/76923
Needle Stakato Drone 74 1 1/43478
Bloody Keeper 74 1 1/35714
Lesser Ancient Scout * 74 1 1/26316
Female Spiked Stakato * 74 1 1/11364
Binder * 73 1 1/32258
Hames Orc Sniper 72 1 1/62500
Bloody Sniper * 71 1 1/22727
Lava Wyrm * 70 1 1/83333
Crypt Guard 70 1 1/30303
Marsh Predator 69 1 1/90909
Platinum Tribe Warrior * 69 1 1/26316
Pytan Knight 68 1 1/45455
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