Sealed Majestic Boots
Sealed Majestic Boots. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Итем может быть распечатан в
Majestic Boots [Heavy Armor]
Part of the heavy majestic set.
Majestic Boots [Light Armor]
Part of the light majestic set.
Majestic Boots [Robe]
Part of the majestic robe set.
[РБ] Valakas 85 1 - 3 1/4
[РБ] Antharas 79 1 - 3 1/4
[РБ] Vanor Chief Kandra 72 1 1/20
[РБ] Anakim's Nemesis Zakaron 70 1 1/25
[РБ] Shilen's Messenger Cabrio 70 1 1/8
Treasure Chest 81 1 1/83333
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 80 1 1/111111
Grazing Flava * 80 1 1/32258
Messenger Invader Warrior * 80 1 1/29412
Messenger Invader Berserker * 80 1 1/25000
Giant's Shadow * 79 1 1/100000
Spiked Stakato Baby * 79 1 1/11364
Knight of Empire * 78 1 1/27027
Knight of Empire * 78 1 1/17241
Iblis of Destruction * 78 1 1/12195
Blazing Ifrit * 78 1 1/11494
Monastic Pilgrim 78 1 1/11494
Triol's Believer 78 1 1/11364
Zombie Worker 78 1 1/11364
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