[РБ] Giant Marpanak 60лвл
Raid Boss
Скиллы НПЦ
Resist Full Magic Attack [1]
Сопротивление ко всем типа магии.
BOSS Might [6]
BOSS Cancel Magic [6]
Giants [11]
They were the rulers of the world during the Gods' Age. They have a similar appearance as humanoids and are 2-3 times bigger than humanoids. They once had a highly civilized culture, but they've devolved so that they act upon their instincts lots of times.
Raid Boss [1]
Если игрок, который нанес больше всего урона и чей уровень превышает уровень Монстра на 3 или больше уровней, то награда item/adena уменьшатся. Если различие уровней на 9 или больше, монстр не выронет после смерти ничего.
BOSS Mortal Blow [6]
BOSS Spinning Slash [6]
Raid Boss - Level 60 [1]
A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall.
Подробно об НПЦ
HP HP regen. P.atk M.atk M.atk spd
1461912 652.22 7025 11841 3819
MP MP regen. P.def M.def P.atk spd
2368 8.75 2951 1198 278
60 57 73 76 70 80
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