[РБ] Zombie Lord Farakelsus 20лвл
Raid Boss
Скиллы НПЦ
Resist Full Magic Attack [1]
Сопротивление ко всем типа магии.
BOSS Flamestrike [2]
Resist Daggers [2]
Сопротивление к атакам против Кинжала.
Blunt Weapon Weak Point [1]
Уязвимость к блантам.
Sacred Attack Weak Point [3]
Уязвимость к священным атакам.
Dark Attack [1]
Использует темную магию.
Undead [1]
Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids.
Raid Boss [1]
Если игрок, который нанес больше всего урона и чей уровень превышает уровень Монстра на 3 или больше уровней, то награда item/adena уменьшатся. Если различие уровней на 9 или больше, монстр не выронет после смерти ничего.
Raid Boss - Level 20 [1]
This immortal creature was created by Dark Elven dark magic. During the early days of the war between the Elves and Dark Elves, the Dark Elves found themselves on the defensive. Experimenting with the power of Dark Arts they had embraced, they resurrected a number of slain warriors. Once a brave elven knight, Farakelsus became of those revived warriors turned into bloodthirsty undead beasts. He slaughtered countless fellow Elves during the war and even now thirsts for the blood of living beings.
Priest Zombie of Farakelsus 19лвл
Raid Fighter
Подробно об НПЦ
HP HP regen. P.atk M.atk M.atk spd
87696 88.61 30 2 3819
MP MP regen. P.def M.def P.atk spd
3718 9.81 757 307 409
60 57 73 76 70 80
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